Dreams: oracle or nothing more?

portents, omens, oracles, lucid dreaming, wish, prophecy, prediction

Sunday, May 21, 2006

Everyone dreams, even dogs and cats

What is it about dreams that makes them universal to beings with suficiently-developed nervous systems? One can observe dogs to be behaving curiously when asleep as though they were dreaming. If this can be observed in dogs then I would conclude that other animals would have the same capability. We all know that dreams mostly occur in the brain and since animals have brains too then wouldn't it be reasonable to expect them to be capable of dreaming too? Do frogs dream of being princes? Are some princes really frogs at heart? Or, would that be insulting to a frog?

We human beings feel so superior to other creatures that we claim dominion over them as though everything is at our disposal. The bible proclaims that as our right. Does anyone question what the bible says? What if it is wrong? What if someone just made it up? There is really no way of knowing and so we go on thinking of ourselves as superior beings. Some of us human beings especially those with white skin think of themselves to be superior to those with darker skin. Can anyone just declare oneself to be better and greater than others? If we dream and if frogs dream can it be said that we are better than frogs? Maybe a frog's dream is more colorful than ours.

We know what the dream of most people are, that's something that's easy to enumerate: Money, cars, fame. adulation, power, beautiful women for men and maybe hunky men for women but these days even men dream of other men and women dream of other women so, who's to say?.Mostly we dream of being what we are not and of having what we do not have. It is of desiring more and more. Maybe this is the call of evolution: to raise oneself above what one is. Dreaming might not be such a bad thing after all.


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